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Understanding the psychology behind sexual behaviors and sexuality as a fundamental drive is important as it provides us with a wider understanding and acceptance of human sexuality.

  • This Sexual Self Blog

    The science of sexual desires, behaviors, attitudes, and well-being.

  • Current Research Projects

    Dr. Wahl is currently gathering information for projects. Click here to learn more about participating.

  • About

    Dr. Wahl is a social psychologist and sex researcher. Read more about his academic and professional history.

“We are the makers of our sexual history.”

— Jeffrey Weeks (2000)


David W. Wahl, Ph.D., is a social psychologist and sex researcher. He obtained his doctorate from Iowa State University with his dissertation, “Speaking Through the Silence: Narratives, Interaction, and the Construction of Sexual Selves.” Both as a professor and as a researcher, Dr. Wahl’s work focuses on issues related to sexual desire and behavior, shaming and stigmatization, sex and gender, sexual violence, sex work, and human trafficking. In addition to publishing research work, Dr. Wahl is working on a book detailing the process by which sexual selfhood is developed in the life course.

Apart from his academic duties, Dr. Wahl spends each day answering the questions people ask him about human sexuality. This Sexual Self is an avenue by which to discuss issues of human sexuality from a social psychological perspective. It is a forum for education and transparency around the subject that is still considered taboo in today’s age. 

Get in Touch

Contact Dr. Wahl with questions or to request information regarding participating in a study.