Academic & Professional Experience

Iowa State University


Ph.D., Sociology.
Dissertation: Speaking Through the Silence: Narratives, Interaction, and the Construction of Sexual Selves

State University,


M.A., Sociology

University of Minnesota


B.A., Sociology and Philosophy

Areas of Expertise
and Teaching Experience

  • Human Sexuality

  • Sex and Gender

  • Social Psychology

  • Symbolic Interactionism

  • Qualitative Research

  • Theory

  • Intimate Relationships

  • Sexuality and Gender in American Popular Culture

  • Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies

  • Introduction to Sociology

  • Social Problems

  • Deviance

  • Social Psychology

Professional Associations

  • Society for the Study of Sexuality

  • International Society for Dialogical Science

  • Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

  • American Sociological Society

  • Midwest Sociological Society

  • Association for Humanist Sociology

  • Eastern Sociological Society



Published Papers
•  Wahl, David W. 2022. Social Problems in Human Sexuality. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

 •  Stewart, Susan and David W. Wahl. 2020. “Our Sexual Selves” in Marriages, Families, and Relationships, edited by Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann, and Susan Stewart. Boston, MA: Cengage.

 •. Schweingruber, David, David W. Wahl, Steven Beeman, Deborah Burns, George Weston, and Rebecca Haroldson. “Uses of Internal Conversations.” Symbolic Interaction. Forthcoming. 

 •. Schweingruber, David and David W. Wahl. 2019. “Wither the Internal Conversation” in Symbolic Interaction, 42(3): 351-373.

Working Papers
• Wahl, David W. “Gender Equity in Women Faculty During the Covid-19 Pandemic”

 • Wahl, David W. “Incomplete Lives: The Suppression of Sexual Selves”

 • Wahl, David W. “Carnal Voices: Internal Conversations in Sexual Self-Construction”

 • Wahl, David W. “Locked In and Locked Out: Anticipatory Socialization in the Adult Film Industry”

 • Wahl, David W. “Negotiating Pain and Pleasure: The Process of Generating Sexual Meaning”

 • Wahl, David W. “Fetishism as Perception”

 • Wahl, David W. “Patriarchy in Male Celebrity Fan Letters”

 • Wahl, David W. Speaking Through the Silence: Narratives, Interaction, and the Social Construction of Sexual Selves. Book proposal.

 • Weston, George, David Schweingruber, and David W. Wahl. “Rehearsals in Internal Conversations”

 • Burns, Deborah, David Schweingruber, and David W. Wahl “Romance in Internal Conversations” 

 • Beeman, Steven, David Schweingruber, and David W. Wahl. “Self-Processes in Internal Conversations” 

  • Wahl, David W. and David Schweingruber. “The Influence of Others in Internal Conversations”

Media/Press Info


Dr. Wahl is available for interviews regarding these areas of expertise:
Human Sexuality, Sex and Gender, Social Psychology, Symbolic Interactionism, Qualitative Research, and Theory.